Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It Has Begun....

For whatever reason, Brian asked to play "Chest" which I thought meant Chess. I pull down my set and unroll the board. I ask which color he wants to be: White. I set up my pieces. Then I go through the pieces and their names.

Then I ask Brian to set his pieces up. He has trouble with the Queen but....

he does better with the rooks and knights....

and knows where the pawns go...

So I'm thinking, "Holy crap! Bobby Fischer has been reincarnated!"

Well, that's about the end of that thinking...

Explaining how pieces move or the order or any of the rules results in "Bam! I got your piece!" So he's good at seeing what I did and copying it, but that's about it.

Oh well! Maybe some day.

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1 comment:

Matthew Ozvat said...

That is freaking awesome!!!

Make it fun, feed him candy everytime he takes a chess piece!

Pavlov's theory, right?!

I am excited for you and Brian!